Auro Spinning Mills

Auro Spinning belongs tzo the Varthman group. The group began its operations at Baddi, with setting up of Auro Spinning Mills under the name of aunit under the name of Vardhman Textiles Mills Ltd. in 1991. It started with a production capacity of about 25,000 spindles. Today the production capacity of this unit has increased to 80,000 spindles and 1,248 rotors.

Major Customers: Auro Weaving, Lacoste, Ashima, Morarjee, Arvind, Shinko/Toyobo Japan, Nishimbo, Kitan, Gibor, Marubeni, Scallywag, Tejidos, EOS Bangladesh, Berto Italy, Raymonds, etc..

Raw material

CMD, CV, CO (Organic Cotton, Fair Trade Cotton), EL (Spandex, Lycra, XLA), LI,  PA (Nylon) PES, SE, WO and their blends

Yarn Type

Compact yarn, Core yarn, Siro-Compact yarn
Card and combed

Product Capacity

35 tons yarn per day

Other certifications

Supima USA Licency
Lycra Assured
OekoTex standard 100
Control Unioin  (Organinc, Organic Exchange)
FLO Certification Statement "Rooted In Values Creating World Class Textiles"

Usterized member contact

PB No. 7, Sai Road, Baddi, Nalagarh
District Solan (H.P.) – 173 205
