Günöz tekstil ve Kimya İşletmeleri Ltd.Şti.
Günöz Tekstil was founded in 1996. The spinning mill has a surface of 87,000 m² and employs more than 1,150 people. Their production facility produces 85 tons/day yarn dyeing, 40 tons/day spinning, 4 tons/day hank dyeing and 40 tons/day twisting capacity. Günöz Textile supplies raw and dyed yarn to ready-to-wear garment manufacturers and exporters in Turkey and abroad, mainly in European countries.
Günöz Textile acts with a mission to keep ahead of customers’ demands and expectations from the very first day to best meet these expectations. The company follows technologies closely and gives great importance to R&D. Günöz Textile uses the latest technology considering the needs and requirements of today and produces its own machines in accordance with its needs. The company’s aim is to provide the best quality of dyed yarn and strive for an ever-increasing customer satisfaction.
In the very near future, Günäz Textile use recycled wastewater for their entire production. With its technological and environmentally friendly regulations and investments, the company has become one of the most important companies in the sector.