Textile Finance Khorezm LLC 

The Uztex Group is one of the largest and most famous composite companies in Uzbekistan, founded in 2009. The production capacity of Uztex Group allows manufacturing the whole range of cotton textile products and all kinds of gray and dyed yarn, gray and dyed fabric, ready-made garments, knitted, hosiery and terry products. Uztex products are exported to the EU, CIS, the USA, Turkey, Japan, South Korea and many other countries. This underlines the fact that their domestic brand meets highest quality standards. The quality production approach has allowed to expand the geography of the company's success over the years.

Textile Finance Khorezm LLC is situated in a small town called Shovot in the Xorezim Region of Uzbekistan near Urgench and the historical city of Khiva. Textile Finance Khorezm LLC started its production with a capacity of 13.000 kg per day in 2012 and increased the daily output to 30.000 kg until 2015. They produce a wide range of good quality yarn from Ne 22 to 50 including compact and non-compact yarn which serve various applications – not only customers in Uzbekistan but also in other countries. 

The objective of the company is to produce a good quality yarn to fulfill their customers’ requirements and satisfy their needs based on a reliable as well as consistent quality control system.

Raw material


Yarn Type

Ring yarn Carded,combed

Product Capacity

30 tons yarn per day

Other certifications

ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Mangement Systems

Usterized member contact

Chıgatoy Qala
Shovot District, Xorezim Region
PO # 220100 SHOVOT


